Mark Your Calendar for the Ninth Annual Pumpkin Launch

For those who enjoy watching pumpkins catapulted from launchers over the span of long distances and then watching the pumpkins smashed  into pieces, it is time to mark your calendar for the 9th Annual Pumpkin Launch which will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 12 at Ed Glancy Field.

The pumpkin launch is a contest to see how far and accurate teams can launch pumpkins across the baseball field. A new category, “Crowd  Favorite,” will be added this year where attendees can vote on which team had the best design. Prizes will be awarded for distance and accuracy. All departments are encouraged to participate in the pumpkin launch.

For more details and to download an application, visit here. The registration deadline is 5 pm on Friday, September 13. For additional information, contact the Biomedical Engineering Society at

This event reflects the values expressed in IIT’s Diversity Statement and is intended to promote diversity at IIT.