The Office of Residence Life hopes this email finds you in good health. In the interest of better serving the student population, the 2024-2025 Academic Year housing and meal plan contract has been delayed due to unexpected technical issues until March 11, 2024. When the application opens, you can apply for housing at Illinois Tech for the upcoming Academic Year 2024-2025 in your Housing Portal. Your housing portal provides a user-friendly experience, allows you to search and connect with potential roommates, and allows you to self-select and secure your room for the upcoming academic year.
Steps in the Application Process
Step 1: Login to the Housing Portal using your IIT Single Sign On (SSO) Credentials
Step 2: Select “Room & Board Contract” at the top navigation bar in the portal.
Step 3: Fill out each page of the housing application to completion and submit.
Step 4: Once your application is submitted, you will be able to search for preferred roommates.
NOTE: If you need to leave the housing application at any point in time, all entries will be saved.
Our goal this year is for all applicants to be able to select their own room through the process.
Note: Students in roommate groups will be given the earliest room selection time slots to facilitate more students getting their preferred roommates. To ensure you give yourself the greatest possible opportunity to select the room you’d like, please review the potential Illinois Tech housing options and make sure you follow the timeline below.
April 8: Housing applications submitted by students in roommate groups by this date will be given the earliest possible randomized time slot within a student’s respective class status in order to select rooms.
April 15–21: Room selection opens for housing applications submitted by April 8 from students in roommate groups.
April 22: Room selection opens for all other applicants, including ungrouped students that applied during the priority housing application period.
You can review Illinois Tech’s residence halls, housing rates, and meal plans.
If you have any questions or need support through this process, please visit our office during business hours, contact us via phone (312-567-5075) or email us via