IIT First Year Architecture Students Build Garden Pavilions for Local Company

2.jpgCurrently on display south of S.R. Crown Hall, first-year Architecture students have designed and fabricated outdoor garden pavilions for local company Schulze & Burch Biscuit Company. First year IIT College of Architecture students and faculty teamed up with IPRO this year to produce 14 outdoor garden pavilions that will move from the Illinois Tech campus to the Schulze & Burch Biscuit company landscape after Tuesday, May 12.

The Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co. factory is located at 1133 W. 35th Street in Chicago. They have a large empty lot to the east of their property. The projects will serve as places for employees to go during lunch, breaks and before or after work each day.

Feel free to stop by anytime to admire, relax and enjoy. Photos courtesy of Ahmad Hassan, IIT College of Architecture PH.D. student and course T.A.


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