Fall 2015 URA Visiting Scholars Program at Fermilab Deadline Approaching

If you are interested in submitting a URA Visiting Scholars proposal, the fall deadline is Monday, August 31, 2015.

Synopsis of Program:
The URA Visiting Scholars Program at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory was established in 2007 as a five-year program to support visits by researchers from the Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) institutions to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. URA renewed the program for an additional five years. Resources for this program are made available by the 89 URA member institutions, each of which contributes $5,000 a year.
Visits can range from attendance at Fermilab conferences and summer schools to year-long stays at the Lab. Proposals may be submitted twice a year, in February and August. Support provided by the program may include the following: travel and local lodging expenses during a series of short visits or salary support and round trip travel expenses for an extended visit. Learn more here.

Per IIT policy, all grant applications (federal and non-federal) must be reviewed, signed and submitted by the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs regardless of the amount of the request. Contact osrp@iit.edu or call at 312.567.3035 for more information on submitting a proposal.