Nancy S. Marder, director of the Justice John Paul Stevens Jury Center at Chicago-Kent College of Law, has been selected as an Academic Fellow of the Pound Civil Justice Institute. Marder, who was a plenary speaker at the Pound Institute’s 23rd annual Forum for State Appellate Court Judges in 2015, where she gave a lecture titled “Judicial Transparency in the Twenty-First Century,” was chosen as an Academic Fellow based on her expertise on juries, judges, courts and trials.
The Pound Civil Justice Institute is a national legal think tank created by pioneering members of the trial bar and dedicated to ensuring access to justice for ordinary citizens. Through its activities, the Pound Institute works to give lawyers, judges, legal educators and the public a balanced view of the issues affecting the U.S. civil justice system.
An internationally recognized expert on juries, judges, courts and trials, Marder has been a member of the Chicago-Kent faculty since 1999. From 1990–92, Marder served as a law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and wrote about that experience in an essay titled Justice Stevens and His Clerks. Marder is the author of numerous law review articles, book chapters and essays, as well as the organizer of six symposia, including Secrecy in Litigation, 81 Chicago-Kent Law Review 301 (2006), and Juries and Lay Participation: American Perspectives and Global Trends, 90 Chicago-Kent Law Review 785 (2015) (co-editor with Valerie P. Hans). Her current projects include The Supreme Court’s Transparency: Myth or Reality?, 32 Georgia State University Law Review (forthcoming 2016), and Foster v. Chatman: A Watershed Moment for Batson and the Peremptory Challenge? At Chicago-Kent, Marder teaches a variety of courses, including The Role of the Judge; Juries, Judges and Trials; Legislation; and Law, Literature and Feminism.