Important Student Hiring Information for Fall 2016

Welcome to the fall semester for student employment. The information below is pertinent to student supervisors and timesheet approvers (staff and faculty) for fall 2016 student hiring and addresses the most commonly asked questions and issues that cause hiring setbacks. Please take a moment to read.

Fall 2016 Semester Notices

  1. Starting the Process – After a supervisor has posted a job and decided on the best student candidate, the hiring process starts with the supervisor entering an Electronic Payroll Authorization Form (EPAF).
  2. Initial EPAF Submission – When beginning the EPAF for your student hires, enter your ORG number where it asks for the organization.
  3. Dates
    • Supervisors can start entering EPAFs now for fall 2016.
    • In the EPAF, make sure to enter 2017 for the academic year for all fall student hires.
    • Fall hiring dates are automatically populated as Sunday, August 28 through Sunday, May 21, 2017. If you want your student to start on Monday, August 22, you need to manually change the date in the EPAF.
  4. Max Hours
    • Students can work up to 40 hours through Friday, August 20, 2016
    • Students can work up to 20 hours combined beginning Sunday, August 21 (beginning of fall semester)
  5. Electronic I-9s – Students complete this online as of July 2016. The SEO emails them the link after the supervisor submits the EPAF and it is approved.
  6. Hiring Paperwork to SEO, not ONE STOP – Students now present hiring paperwork directly to the SEO (not the One Stop) in the IIT Tower, Room 2C8-1. (Walk-in office hours for Student Employment are Monday – Thursday, 1-4 p.m.)
  7. Supervisor Resources and Responsibilities – Review online (interview questions, onboarding checklist, warning notice templates, and more).


  1. All new supervisors and timesheet approvers are required to take the Student Hiring Training and quiz before hiring or approving students. (Contact Muqadas Munir at with issues or questions).
  2. Post all on-campus jobs in Jobs4Hawks (excluding Chicago-Kent College of Law positions, Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants)
  3. After submitting the EPAF for international students, it takes 24-48 hours for the SEO to generate the SSN Letter. Students are notified by when the letter is ready to be picked up in the IIT Tower.
  4. Answers to most questions can be easily found online in the Student Employment Handbook.

Join our Focus Group
The SEO is facilitating a focus group in the next few weeks to discuss the new hiring processes, particularly for offices and departments with more than 30 student employees any given semester. If you are interested in joining, email Molly McCaughey at We welcome your feedback and questions.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We wish you a happy and successful new school year.