The Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Program organizes undergraduate students from IIT’s colleges as multidisciplinary teams to work on complex, open-ended projects to tackle the challenges of our times. Guided by faculty members from diverse fields, IPRO teams may be focused to applied research and development, process improvement, sustainability, service learning and venture development.
Summer IPRO sponsors and community partners include Bison Gear, SolarWindUSA, The Plant, Dr. Elzie Young Community Center and Bronzeville youth organizations. The IPRO Day event is the culmination of IPRO team work via exhibits and presentations. At the Summer 2012 IPRO Day, to be held from 9 am – 1 pm on Friday, July 27 in Hermann Hall, ten IPRO teams will showcase and share their accomplishments. IIT faculty and staff and professionals from the Chicago area are invited to serve as judges and welcome to attend as guests. Register at the IPRO website.