Make a Difference—Tell Your Networks to Attend the Illinois Tech Career Fairs


Each of us at Illinois Tech can make a difference in the lives of our students—and connecting students with career opportunities is an important way to contribute.

The Office of Career Services would like to inform all academic units of our upcoming Career Fairs, plural because this spring we are introducing industry-based fairs across two days to allow for more companies to attend and make connections with more students. The fairs will take place on Wednesday, February 22 and Thursday, February 23, divided by company industry, outlined below.

February 22: computer science, information and industrial technology, business services, government organizations, non-profits, military, and search firms

February 23: engineering, architecture, and natural sciences

Please forward this information to faculty and staff within your department so they can share this event with companies and institutions in their professional networks.

If you have relationships with companies or institutions that you would like to contact directly regarding the Career Fairs, forward them this flyer. You also may direct company representatives to Deborah Young, director, industry partnerships, employer engagement, and sponsorship, at 312.914.7234 or

The success of our Career fairs and other events is attributable to the involvement and engagement of our faculty and staff. Our goal is to communicate to potential employers that our Career Fair and other Career Services programs are great ways to meet exceptionally talented Illinois Tech students capable of excelling as employees within their workplaces.

We thank you for your partnership in our efforts.

Career Services at Illinois Tech
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