The Japanese Film and Animation Society is hosting a 24-hour anime marathon from Friday, April 21 at 6 p.m. to Saturday, April 22 at 6 p.m. in the Robert A. Pritzker Science Center, Room 121.
This event is centered on two of the greatest themes of human experience: Love and War. Anime has looked particularly deeply at both topics; there are hundreds of series about romance and even more about fighting. JFAS aims to find the very best of the best and display it in all its glory on the big screen, cinema-style. Whether you get teary-eyed from watching relationships blossom or your blood gets pumping at the mere thought of mecha battles (or both), there will be something here for you.
Come whenever you like for as long as you like. There will be plenty of Japanese and other Asian food, drinks, snacks, and desserts. So feel free to have an immersive anime camp-out and take a break from your troubles.