Fall 2017 Industry Career Fair

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Illinois Tech’s campus-wide, industry-based career fairs will take place on  Wednesday, September 20 and Thursday, September 21 from 12:30–4 p.m. in Hermann Hall on the Mies Campus. The Career Fairs will be broken into two days based on general company industries. Students and alumni are welcome to attend both days if they wish, depending on their career goals.

There are two important changes about registering for the upcoming fair.

  • Students must have their resume uploaded and approved in Handshake before the fair in order to attend. To register, update your resume and have it approved in Handshake by Friday, September 15.
  • Students who complete the VIP Program will have early, exclusive access to employers from noon–12:30 p.m. each day. General admission will begin at 12:30 p.m. Learn more.

Date by industry:

  • September 20: computer science, information technology, business services, government organizations, non-profits, military, and search firms
  • September 21: engineering, industrial technology,  architecture*, and natural sciences

*some architecture companies will be located in S. R. Crown Hall. Check The Fairs App closer to the fair date.

Start preparing now. Get the maximum value out of your Career Fair experience.

Be sure to check both days of the Fairs App prior to the fair to see which companies are attending and what kind of students they are hiring.


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