In 2016, the National Science Foundation (NSF) identified 10 Big Ideas for Future Investment. The opportunity described in this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) overlaps with two of those Big Ideas: Quantum Leap, which is a multi-pronged effort to advance fundamental understanding of quantum phenomena, materials, communications, and systems, and Convergent Research, which fosters the merging of ideas and approaches from widely diverse fields.
This NSF DCL, 18-035 aims to encourage researchers to submit interdisciplinary research projects that must include at least three complementary components represented by researchers with expertise in the areas of physics, chemistry, mathematics, materials science, engineering, and computer/computational science, which are more broadly represented by the NSF Directorates for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), Engineering (ENG), and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). The innovative proposals must focus on quantum functionality by assessing aspects relevant to both fundamental and application concepts, and must result in experimental demonstrations of transformative advances towards quantum systems and/or proof-of-concept validations.
Prior to submission of a RAISE proposal, a one-page white paper must be prepared and submitted, by Friday, February 16, to cognizant Program Directors from at least three of the following divisions/offices: DMR, PHY, CHE, DMS, ECCS, CCF, and OAC. Upon receipt of an invitation from the cognizant Program Directors, a full proposal may be submitted. The proposal title must begin with “RAISE: TAQS:.”