The purpose of the Understanding the Rules of Life: Epigenetics (URoL: Epigenetics) program is to enable innovative research and to promote multidisciplinary education and workforce training in the broad area of epigenetics. The URoL: Epigenetics program is a wide collaboration across directorates/offices within the National Science Foundation with a focus on understanding the relationship between epigenetic mechanisms associated with environmental change, the resultant phenotypes of organisms, and how these mechanisms lead to robustness and adaptability of organisms and populations.
Successful projects of the URoL: Epigenetics Program are anticipated to use complementary, interdisciplinary approaches to investigate how epigenetic phenomena lead to emergent properties that explain the fundamental behavior of living systems. Ultimately, successful projects should identify general principles (“rules”) that underlie a wide spectrum of biological phenomena across size, complexity (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismal, population) and temporal scales (from sub-second to geologic) in taxa from anywhere within the tree of life. URoL: Epigenetics projects must integrate perspectives and research approaches from more than one research discipline (e.g., biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, social, and behavioral sciences). The interdisciplinary scope of URoL: Epigenetics projects also provides unique training and outreach possibilities to train the next generation of scientists in a diversity of approaches and to engage society more generally.
You can find more information from the NSF solicitation 18-600. The deadline for this proposal is Friday, February 1, 2019.
If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity, please contact OSRP. Completed proposals are due in OSRP at least two business days prior to the deadline set by the sponsor.