Curiosity Unplugged is the talk show where Illinois Tech faculty members leave no topic unexplored, no challenge unconsidered, and no query unanswered. Each month Chris White, professor and vice provost for academic affairs, and Architecture Assistant Studio Professor Colleen Humer, along with Illinois Tech faculty guests discuss deep questions facing society today. Listen to this month’s podcast “How Can Universities Stay Relevant in a Rapidly Changing, Digital World? ” and catch up on the other six below:
Episode 1: The Anti-Science Movement: Is It Gaining Ground?
Episode 3: What is Innovation?
Episode 4: Not in My America: Is the Real Issue Immigration—or Naturalization?
Episode 5: How Does the U.S. Move Confidently Toward Driverless Cities?
Episode 6: Is Chicago Poised to Become the Next Great Tech Ecosystem—and How Will It Get There?
Curiosity Unplugged is recorded at the A. Sidney Katz Radio Studio at WIIT 88.9 FM, Illinois Tech’s radio station. It airs on the first Wednesday of each month at noon and on the first Thursday of each month on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Don’t miss an episode: Subscribe to Curiosity Unplugged on the platforms listed here. Visit to learn about other innovative Illinois Tech faculty, students, and alumni.