The Chicago Undergraduate Leadership Conference (CULC) is an annual conference hosted by Illinois Tech’s Leadership Academy. CULC is a peer-led conference designed to give undergraduate students from across Chicagoland the opportunity to develop their personal understanding of leadership, learn techniques to implement change in their communities, and a chance to network with other leaders in Chicago.
This year, seven Illinois Tech students along with Leadership Academy’s Program Manager worked tirelessly to plan and execute this year’s conference, from planning and outreach to advertising. The 28 undergraduate presenters for CULC proposed their ideas back in December and have been researching and working throughout the semester to finalize their sessions.
The conference was originally scheduled for April 18 at Illinois Tech’s downtown campus, the Conviser Law Center, however, plans had to be reconsidered due to COVID-19. Rather than cancel this year’s events completely, the committee transitioned to an online format, allowing presenters to either write a paper or record their session in a video format.
All videos and papers will be published on CULC’s website beginning Saturday, April 18. To view the papers and videos visit: