TIAA August 2021 Educational Webinars

TIAA, one of Illinois Tech’s 403(b) Retirement Plan vendors, has announced several Financial Essentials webinars running from August 17-19, 2021. Sessions are listed below, are open to all retirement plan participants regardless of the vendor with which they invest, and are available for on-demand viewing for 30 days following the live broadcasts. For additional information and to register, visit
  • Money at work 1, August 17 at 11am CST. Discover how you can manage risk versus reward as well as understand the role of investing and managing risks, ways to help accelerate savings and tools that can help sustain a portfolio.
  • Market proof your retirement, August 17, 2pm CST. You’ve worked hard to save for retirement. TIAA can help you understand how to create a diversified retirement income plan that protects you against key retirement risks.
  • Looking to turn your retirement savings into a paycheck for life? August 18 at 11am CST. You diversify your investment portfolio before retirement to help offset risk. A similar strategy can help see you through retirement. Learn how creating a diversified income plan—one that uses a combination of income sources and includes annuity income that’s guaranteed for life—can help reduce the risks you may face in retirement and ensure you have income that never runs out.
  • Postcards from the Future: A woman’s guide to saving and investing, August 18 at 2pm CST. Fewer years in the workforce. Longer life spans. Women saving for retirement face unique challenges. You can learn what it takes to overcome these challenges and help make your retirement dreams come true on schedule.
  • Social Security strategies for married couples, August 19 at 11am CST. Married couples can take advantage of strategies that may help to increase lifetime Social Security benefits. You can learn the basics about spousal benefits, understand the many variables involved in claiming strategies and how married couples can boost their benefits by coordinating the timing of their claims.
  • Financial housekeeping for now and later, August 19 at 2pm CST. Get insights into your current financial situation and learn some practical steps you can take to help position yourself for future success.
For information on Illinois Tech’s retirement plans, please visit the HR Portal Retirement Plan page. As always, questions regarding the retirement plan can be directed to Viktoria Rill in Human Resources at or x73353.