The IIT Boeing Scholars Academy invites advanced undergraduate and graduate students to apply to be program instructors this summer.
This position is especially well-suited for an advanced undergraduate student or graduate student majoring in a STEM+ related field with interest and/or experience in education. Each program instructor is responsible for leading a cluster of 15-17 high-achieving high school students (rising juniors and seniors; “IIT Boeing Scholars”) through a four week summer program, which provides participants with an interdisciplinary, thematic program of activities focused on increasing access and exposure to STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), solving real-world problems, and addressing big ideas of relevance to high school students in the Chicago area.
Interested students should review the job description and submit a resume, cover letter, and unofficial transcript to Ross Ludwig to apply.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to share this opportunity with students who they believe would be a good fit for this position.