Sherita Ceasar (ME ’81, M.S. ’84) was named the recipient of the 2014 Women in Technology Award by the Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT), the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE), and Cablefax. Ceasar is vice president of NETO national video deployment engineering for Comcast Communications. She is considered to be one of the most highly regarded professionals in her field.
The Women in Technology Award, sponsored by Bright House Networks, was created in 1995 to recognize and honor leading technology professionals. The award annually acknowledges the achievements of one woman who has demonstrated outstanding personal and professional growth and has significantly contributed to the cable telecommunications industry.
Ceasar was recognized for being a leader in her field and for her passion for paying it forward. She works with several organizations that promote STEM fields to young people, especially young women and girls. Her outreach to young people was inspired at IIT by one of her professors, the late Lois Graham, who encouraged Ceasar to teach others and give to others in order to help her overcome her fear of presenting her master’s thesis.