Be a Secret Appreciator (a Secret Admirer of a Colleague’s work) Sponsored by the Staff Advisory Council!

Be a Secret Appreciator (a Secret Admirer of a colleague’s work) sponsored by the Staff Advisory Council!

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” —John F. Kennedy.

The Staff Advisory Council (StaffAC) agrees and we hope you do, too! Submit a Secret Appreciator form to acknowledge and affirm the work of one (or more) of your colleagues by Sunday, February 14, 2021. After submitting a form per colleague, StaffAC will pass on the message to your peer via email in the form of a card.

Some examples of messages may be: “I really appreciate how thoughtful you are in team meetings and make sure everyone feels involved in the decision-making process!” or something like, “I enjoy being your teammate and feel like I learn from you every day!”

You can choose to keep the appreciation email anonymous or the receiver can be given your identity. The Secret Appreciator form will be open between Monday, February 1—Sunday, February 14 and appreciation emails will be emailed by StaffAC between Monday, February 1—Sunday, February 21.

Happy appreciating!

Illinois Tech Staff Advisory Council