IIT students currently enrolled in IPRO are invited to complete a survey related to their experiences. The information will be gathered as part of an National Science Foundation-funded research project to understand IPRO student outcomes, attitudes, and experiences such as learning, satisfaction, and how the team functions.
For completing the survey, participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of six cash prizes from $10 to $75 (one $75 prize and five $10 prizes will be given). In addition, as a way to encourage entire IPRO teams to participate, each participant from an IPRO team where at least 75 percent of the members complete the survey will be entered in a second, independent raffle of six additional cash prizes. To be eligible for these raffles, the survey must be fully completed by Friday, May 2, 2014.
To complete the survey, click on the link below that corresponds to your current IPRO course:
For students enrolled in IPRO 397, complete the link below:
The survey is confidential and voluntary. If you have any questions, email Alan Mead, Project Director.