The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department will continue its Seminar Series on Friday, September 22 from 11 a.m.–noon in Siegel Hall, Room 118. Fei Shang, senior power electronics engineer at Hatco Corporation, will give a talk titled “Challenges and Opportunities in Power Electronics: From Appliances to Electric Vehicles.”
In this seminar he will discuss how very essential power electronics is to connect modern technologies with traditional industries. Shang will share his industry experiences and explore job opportunities in this area.
Shang has 10 years industrial experience. He joined Beijing Accuenergy Technology Co., Ltd.where he led a group of engineers for developing smart power meters and motor protection units. He has developed more than seven different series of products. All of them are profitable products and have been selling all over the world. Since 2017, he joined Hatco Corporation and is responsible for developing the induction heating system for commercial cooking applications.
Note: This seminar is open to everyone at Illinois Tech. For more information regarding this seminar, please contact Mahesh Krishnamurthy, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. at 312.567.7232 or