Enhancements at the ARC

The Academic Resource Center has made enhancements to its service offerings, starting this semester.

Location – Galvin Library:
The ARC has moved to the Galvin Library. The ARC Monitor’s desk is located in the lower level in room 007. The monitor will guide you through the check in process and to the subject table that you are looking for help with. The MATH and CS tables are in the upper level on the west of the main stairs and all other tables are located in the lower level.

Introduction of “Current Tutoring Sessions” page:
The ARC’s website now hosts a “Current Tutoring Sessions” page where you will be able to see a list of all tutors that are currently hosing in person and online sessions. This list will also show you the location for in person sessions, and a Zoom link for online sessions. This page is secured through your hawk email accounts. So if you are viewing this page for the first time, you will be asked to allow the running of a script using your account. Please note that we are not collecting any data from your accounts, writing any data to your google drive, nor will we be sending any emails.


ARC on Discord:
The ARC is now on Discord and is also part of the IIT Discord Hub. You will be able to get tutor and session information via this discord channel. https://discord.gg/ZGpUGphFp3

All online sessions through Zoom:
All online sessions have now been moved over to Zoom. We have secured these Zoom meetings by adding hawk authentication, which means to access these rooms, you will have to sign in to Zoom via your hawk accounts. Detailed instructions on how to do this are available here: https://youtu.be/13ED8-7HbUg

Adding advanced subject and skill tables:
Based on increasing demand for dedicated sessions for help with specific subjects and software tools, the ARC has now launched these following additional tables. Click on the links to see session timings.

CS 400+: https://bit.ly/arc-cs400
PHYS 300-400: https://bit.ly/arc-phys300-400
MatLab for CHE and BME: https://bit.ly/arc-matlab-f21
Additional dedicated tutoring time for CHEM343 and CHE351: https://bit.ly/arc-che351-chem343-f21

More skill tables will be added, based on demand and traffic patterns.