We are excited to announce that we are continuing the Future of Higher Ed Forum Series for fall 2018. Last spring, Illinois Tech launched a series of campus-wide forums where university staff and faculty members had an opportunity to collaborate with each other to think strategically and creatively about the future of higher education. The forums were dynamic and engaging, drawing together a diversity of 132 unique individuals (many of whom attended multiple times) to discuss opportunity areas for Illinois Tech. A summary of the forums is available here.
Provost Peter Kilpatrick, the University Faculty Council, Staff Advisory Council, and the Office of Academic Affairs invite you to join us in this endeavor. Overarching objectives of the forum series are:
- To foster a campus culture of communication and collaboration
- To facilitate professional development and growth among participants
- To provide ideas and perspectives to the university’s strategic planning committees
- To use design-thinking to spark creative solutions that could be applied to both work and life
Please mark your calendar for the following dates, and watch for updates with additional details:
- Forum 1: Who are we as a university?
Date: Tuesday, September 25
Time: 12:30–2 p.m.
Location: Mies Campus, McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Ballroom - Forum 2: Learning how to be a more student-centered university (offered twice)
Date: Tuesday, October 23
Time: 12:30–2 p.m.
Location: Mies Campus, MTCC Ballroom - Date: Tuesday, October 30
Time: 12:30–2 p.m.
Location: Downtown Campus, Morris Hall - Forum 3: Determining our core values
Date: Wednesday, November 14
Time: 12:30–2 p.m.
Location: Mies Campus, MTCC Ballroom
The Future of Higher Ed Forum Series is an ongoing, evolving experiment, and we welcome and value participation from all Illinois Tech faculty and staff. Please consider coming to these events and spreading the word to your colleagues.
Questions? Contact Sarah Pariseau at sparisea@iit.edu.