Fall Program Assessment Workshop to Be Held Friday, September 13

The University Program Assessment Committee, UPAC, is hosting Friday September 13, in HH204, the HUB Mezzanine. This will be held over 3 standard class periods:

  • 11:25 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.
  • 12:45 – 1:50 p.m. (the standard lunch period)
  • 1:50 – 3:05 p.m.

All PACs are strongly encouraged to attend at least one of these sessions. Please complete the RSVP registration link or email menhart@iit.edu to confirm the time slot(s) you plan to attend.

This will be primarily a working workshop type format event, and the primary aim is to help you get your annual program assessment reports done, which are of course due by the October 15 deadline. UPAC members will be on hand to address any questions or issues. Please bring the AY24 data and student artifacts you have collected in the last academic year, any partially completed reports or analysis. We will also provide an update on the new report submission process in OneDrive, to replace Blackboard; and a review of the new standardized report template