Free Masks for Illinois Tech Community

Returning to Campus for classes or work? Need another face mask? #maskIIT is a program run by the Idea Shop providing reusable fabric face masks FREE to the Illinois Tech community.

Pick out a mask on our website: and email us with your requested style(s) to arrange pickup. There are 20+ styles of masks available such as Emerald City, Grayscale Gingham, and Party at Rosa’s. We currently have a two (2) masks per person limit.

Want more masks or to contribute to maskIIT? Check out the maskIIT page for more info. This fall we will also be starting Take a Mask, Make a Mask (inspired by Take a Penny, Leave a Penny) which has no limit to the number of masks you can make! All materials and instructions are provided, plus we have dozens more fabric prints to choose from.

Have any questions? Contact us at