The Japanese Film and Animation Society’s first Anime Night of the semester will be held from Friday, February 24 at 6 p.m. through Saturday, February 25 at 6 p.m. JFAS will be in the Wishnick Hall Auditorium, Room 113, for 24 hours of anime marathoning. Please bear in mind that this Anime Night is starting and ending earlier than usual to better accommodate those who don’t live on campus.
This Anime Night’s theme is Studio Ghibli. JFAS will be airing some of Ghibli’s pieces as per audience request, along with videos about the founders, employees, and their work process. There will also be discussion about Ghibli’s influence on anime, as well as its role in popularizing the medium in the West.
There will be plenty of pizza, snacks, drinks and desserts, so feel free to have an anime-themed camp-out and temporarily forget your troubles.
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