Manu Vora, chairman and president, Business Excellence, Inc, will host Leadership Excellence lectures on Tuesday, August 18, from 2-3:15 p.m. and 7-8:15 p.m. in the Schulz Auditorium, located in the IIT Tower. RSVP here.
These interactive sessions will encourage attendees to examine their own leadership characteristics by sharing some models of excellent leadership, as well as discussing the differences between a manager and a leader. Participants will learn key concepts, best practices, and practical tools to enhance their personal leadership skills, as well as sketching out a roadmap for their development.
Vora is Chairman and President of Business Excellence, Inc., a global quality management consulting firm. He has over 40 years of leadership experience in guiding Fortune 500 companies with Baldrige Performance Excellence assessment for leadership development, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and process excellence. Since 1993, he has taught Operations Management courses at business schools globally. He is connected with over 40 educational institutes globally.
He is a Past Vice President of ASQ, ASQ Fellow, and Certified Quality Engineer. Vora earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from IIT (’70 and ’75), as well as an MBA in Marketing Management. He is a sought after speaker on business excellence and quality management topics with over 500 presentations at local, regional, national, and international levels. He has published over 50 articles in professional journals and symposia proceedings. He has taught his Leadership Excellence seminar to a variety of audiences globally. He gave two TEDx talks in 2013 including TEDxIIT Chicago.
Vora has served on the Board of Examiners for the Asia Pacific Global Performance Excellence Award Program since 2004. He received an IIT Alumni Medal (2012) and an IIT Professional Achievement Award (2004). He is recognized with many awards from ASQ including Distinguished Service Medal, Grant Medal, Hutchens Medal, Ishikawa Medal, and Lancaster Medal. He and his Blind Foundation for India team have raised over $4 million to serve over a million people in India. For his social service, he has received the “2011 Ellis Island Medal of Honor” and the “2010 US President’s Volunteer Service Award”.