The United States Department of Education (ED) has offered additional guidance to universities to protect student and employee data and university records. This guidance comes with the understanding that universities will be held responsible for data breaches. Further, ED will begin auditing schools to guarantee integrity around university systems.
To ensure Illinois Tech upholds high standards around protecting personal data and university records as well as upholds federal law, the diligence of everyone in the community is needed. Thus, a mandatory cyber security training will be offered to all university faculty and staff. The training will be provided by the Office of Technology Services (OTS) and will focus on risk management guidance including topics such as password protection, phishing, use of personal identifiable information (PII), laptop security, and much more.
This training will be offered twice but attendance at only one session is required. Feel free to bring your lunch; light refreshments will be provided. The training dates are:
Wednesday, February 20 from noon-1 p.m., Mies Campus, Hermann Auditorium
Thursday, February 21 from noon-1 p.m., Downtown Campus, Auditorium
If you have any questions in advance of the training, please contact Virginia Foster, director of higher education compliance and Title IX coordinator at