The Institute for Food Safety and Health at IIT (IFSH) will offer a new class starting spring 2012, FST/FPE 401: Nutrition, Metabolism and Health. The course involves the study of the structures, types and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, discussion of the biological roles of vitamins and minerals, and application and integration of metabolic knowledge with health promotion and chronic disease.
The course, taught by Center for Nutrition Research Director Britt Burton-Freeman, will meet at 10 – 11:15 am on Mondays and Wednesdays on the Main Campus. Prerequisites include college-level basic biology, chemistry, biochemistry or physiology class, mastery of the fundamental science/chemistry/biology concepts, and writing proficiency.
This course will offer students a variety of ways to acquire knowledge and in-depth understanding in several areas, including:
• Biochemical functions of macro- and micronutrients
• Digestion and absorption of nutrients in the human biological system
• Metabolic processes, pathways and utilization of nutrients at the cellular level
• Principles underlying relationships between nutrition and disease
• Use of a computerized nutritional analysis program to critically analyze the nutritional adequacy and composition of your own diet
• How to communicate science in individual and group settings through written and oral modalities
Lectures and assignments will be taught in the context of systems biology to boost the student’s ability to integrate and apply knowledge to health and disease prevention.
View the course flyer for more information.