Participate in Career Services’ VIP Program to set yourself apart at the Career Fairs. The VIP Program will help students be better prepared to speak to employers at the Career Fairs and will draw employers’ attention to students’ resumes.
What is the VIP Program?
Students who participate in the VIP Program take the steps outlined in the checklist below to be better prepared for knowledgeably speaking to employers at the Career Fairs. Students who successfully complete the checklist will receive a special ribbon designation on their Career Fair name tags and will have their resumes added to an exclusive resume book given to all recruiters. This program was developed based on consistent feedback employers have given Career Services about the skills and knowledge they expect students to have when seeking jobs.
- By completing the requirements below you will receive VIP designation at the Career Fairs to set yourself apart to employers
- Additionally, your resume will be added to an exclusive resume book given to all recruiters
VIP Program Requirements Checklist:
- Resume submitted and approved on Jobs4Hawks
- Attend at least one workshop or individual appointment with a career coach
- Complete the employer research form, located in the document library in Jobs4Hawks. Once complete, upload it as an “other” document and label it “Spring 2017 Career Fair Employers”
- Record a video on InterviewStream of your introduction to employers at the Career Fairs or attend the Career Fair prep night on Monday, February 13.
- Login to
- Select conduct an interview → Take premade interview → Career Fair Prep – VIP Requirements
- Record introduction and share it with us
Find out more here.