On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, Chicago-area professionals are invited to volunteer 4 hours (10 am – 2 pm) to host outstanding high school students for a Job Shadow Day.
Organized by the IIT Boeing Scholars Academy, Job Shadow Day is a structured work site experience which helps the IIT Boeing Scholars–a diverse group of high-achieving Chicago-area high school students–identify possible career interests by providing them with the opportunity to explore a range of professions, industries, and organizations (learn about last year’s event). Exposure to careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics; our program’s focus areas) is welcomed but not required.
Additional details and the registration form for prospective hosts are available here. Please submit the registration form by Wednesday, January 16.
Please share this invitation with any colleagues in your Chicago-area networks who you think may enjoy serving as hosts on Job Shadow Day. We value your assistance in providing our students with this valuable learning experience. Please contact Program Coordinator Connie Ma at yma24@iit.edu or 312.567.3005 with any questions.
The IIT Boeing Scholars Academy is a free, year-round academic enrichment program that inspires high-achieving Chicago-area high school students to make a difference in their communities through STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and to pursue higher education. Of this year’s 106 Scholars, 84% attend a Chicago Public School or affiliated charter, 68% are from a population underrepresented in STEM fields, 55% are female, 45% are first-generation college, and 44% are eligible for federal free/reduced lunch. Of last year’s seniors, 98% matriculated at a four-year university this fall. Founded in 2011, this program is generously supported by a grant from the Boeing Company.