Solar Eclipse Viewing Party and Meet and Greet with Armour College of Engineering Dean Natacha DePaola


Armour College of Engineering Dean Natacha DePaola would like to welcome students back to campus at a special solar eclipse viewing party and meet and greet on the first day of class.

Engineering students are invited to meet Dean DePaola while safely viewing the eclipse through a pair of ISO CE Certified glasses. Moon Pies and Sun Chips will be provided as an eclipse-themed snack on a first-come, first-served basis.

Although anyone is welcome to join in the fun, viewing glasses and snacks are reserved for engineering students. **Engineering students MUST bring their Hawk ID to receive their glasses and snack.**

11–11:45 a.m. – Glasses and snacks available while supplies last
11:54 a.m. – Beginning phase of eclipse in Chicago
1:19 p.m. – Peak phase of eclipse in Chicago
2:42 p.m. – Ending phase of eclipse in Chicago

Get Involved
NASA has outlined a number of fun ways to participate in this rare event including 3D printable pin hole projectors, geotagging, and art projects. Learn more.

Watch the NASA Live Stream
If you can’t join us on August 21, NASA is broadcasting two live streams. One will feature the eclipse as it travels across the United States. The other stream will feature a video feed from the point of greatest duration in Carbondale, Illinois. Learn more.

Why Does This Matter? 

  • This will be the first American eclipse to occur since February 26, 1979. The country’s last total solar eclipse that stretched from coast to coast, occurred on June 8, 1918.
  • Everyone in the continental U.S. will see at least a partial eclipse. The moon will cover close to 50 percent of the Sun’s surface.
  • It’s estimated that close to 100 million people in the United States will see the sun covered by at least 90%.
  • All you will need is Eclipse Glasses – no telescope necessary
  • As totality nears, you will notice a resemblance to the onset of night. Areas much lighter than the sky near the sun lie all around the horizon, shadows look different, any breeze will dissipate, birds will stop chirping, and you will feel a 10°-15° F drop in temperature.
  • The next total solar eclipse that will occur in the United States won’t be until April 8, 2024.