Staff volunteers are needed for the 2016–17 Opening Commencement Ceremony and Academic Unit Ceremonies, which will be held on Mies (Main) Campus on Saturday, May 13 and the Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony on Friday, May 12. Staff volunteers are an essential component of commencement, providing a truly special experience to graduating students and their families.
Volunteers for the Opening Ceremony will need to be available from 7 a.m. until approximately noon on May 13 and will be asked to attend an informational meeting in early May. Volunteers will serve as greeters, help in the student line up area and on the baseball field. If you choose to volunteer for the Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony or an Academic Unit Ceremony the time frame and your confirmed assignment will be emailed to you closer to the event date. If you would like to volunteer for the Opening Commencement Ceremony, an Academic Unit Ceremony, or the Ph.D Hooding Ceremony, sign up here.
To volunteer means you are freely giving up your Saturday to donate your time to the university, and you will not be paid overtime. Staff volunteers will receive one paid day off for volunteering their time to the university. The day off must be taken by Friday, June 30, 2017. Supervisory approval for the day is required and the day cannot be taken as a sick day. If the free day is not taken by June 30, 2017, it will be forfeited. Attendance will be taken. Volunteers will receive a light breakfast, lunch, and a volunteer t-shirt. For more updates about the commencement ceremony, visit the commencement website.