Third Annual Lewis College Roundtable: Power and Access

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The Illinois Tech community is invited to attend the third annual Lewis College Roundtable on Thursday, October 12 at 3:30 p.m. in the McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Auditorium.

Lewis College of Human Sciences engages in compelling work at the intersection of people and technology and strives to create cross-disciplinary dialogue. The roundtable reflects that mission. Instead of a standard lecture, invited panelists, ranging from academics to industry experts, participate in a 90-minute, moderated discussion about a chosen topic. Their unique perspectives on the given theme create a lively discussion that allows our guests to think more deeply about these topics of far-reaching significance. This year’s theme is Power and Access.

In a society that is dependent on technology more than ever before, this year’s roundtable will explore questions related to the access of technology. Who has access to technology? How does technology provide the power to control people or things? Has technology blurred the boundaries of work and personal lives? How has technology changed the lives of people with disabilities?

This event is free and open to the public. All attendees are invited to continue to discussion at a reception following the roundtable in the MTCC Ballroom.

Invited Roundtable Participants

Amy Gonzales
Assistant Professor
The Media School, Indiana University

Research interests: Effects of social interaction via communication technologies on individual identity, social support, and well-being, as well as the consequences of disrupted access to communication technology for people from disadvantaged communities.

Ellen Kossek
Basil S. Turner Professor of Management, Krannert School of Management
Research Director, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
Purdue University

Research interests: Work-family, work-life balance, women’s career equality and gender inclusion, workplace flexibility, employment practices to support workforce diversity/inclusion, global and domestic human resource management, and organizational behavior.

Stephen Sundarrao
Associate Director, Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology
University of South Florida
President and Chief Executive Officer, Rehab Ideas

Research interests: Advanced vehicle modifications, and ergonomics and mobility devices for individuals with disabilities.

Sean Zdenek
Associate Professor of Technical and Professional Writing
University of Delaware

Research interests: Disability and web accessibility studies, closed captioning, deaf studies, sound studies, and methods of rhetorical criticism.

The roundtable discussion will be moderated by Christine Himes, dean of Lewis College.

Please contact the Lewis College Dean’s Office with any questions about the roundtable at or 312.567.3956.