Training on Fire Safety and Evacuation During COVID-19

Join Illinois Tech’s Emergency Management Specialist, Julia Arnopp Burns, for a Zoom training on how to safely evacuate a building during an emergency or drill. The training will cover information on the proper way to evacuate the different types of buildings on campus, including tips on how to stay COVID-safe while evacuating. There will be time to answer any questions you may have related to this topic at the end of the presentation.

Two 30-minute sessions will be offered, one on March 30 at noon and the other on March 31 at noon. We hope to see you there.

Link for the March 30 training:
Meeting ID: 872 1568 0410
Passcode: 123852

Link for the March 31 training:
Meeting ID: 851 4533 5522
Passcode: 010020