Workshop on “Climate Change in Chicago Metropolitan Area: Education, Awareness, and Actions”

University and high school students and educators are invited to the Workshop on “Climate Change in Chicago Metropolitan Area: Education, Awareness, and Actions” to be held Nov. 19, 2022 from 10-5 p.m. at Illinois Tech. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Sameh Elsaidi will kick off the event with a talk titled “Climate Change in the Chicago Area.” The talk is followed by a lunch and poster session of student research (submission is still possible!), and then all are invited to a hands-on training about CO2 adsorbent materials.

Climate Change in Chicago Metropolitan Area: Education, Awareness, and Actions
November 19, 2022
Illinois Tech, Pritzker Science Center, Room PS111
3101 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60616

Event Schedule

10:00 a.m. Welcome from Professor Sameh Elsaidi, Organizer of the Education, Awareness, and Actions (EAA) workshops
10:10 a.m. Professor Sameh Elsaidi’s Lecture: Climate Change in Chicago Metropolitan Area
12:00 p.m. Lunch and Poster Session
2:30 p.m. Poster session awards
3:00 p.m. Hand-on training: CO2 adsorbent materials

Call for posters

Register here:

Education, Awareness, and Actions (EAA) workshops are part of the academic enrichment program initiated by Professor Elsaidi, which aims to help young people who show promise in the scientific fields by providing them with more opportunities to learn about and participate in those fields. This program provides students in the Chicago metropolitan area with numerous opportunities to engage in Science, including summer research, training, lectures, workshops, and outreach activities. The EAA workshop series aims to educate students about how science impact society while also raising awareness about climate change and the need for sustainability for future generations.

The event is sponsored by Elsaidi’s group at IIT and SE-MAT Smartly Engineered Materials LLC