78702 LifeWorks Feature for November: Caregiving

LifeWorks, Illinois Tech’s Employee Assistance Program, offers a new work-life balance highlight each month. This month’s feature is caregiving. There’s also a special feature for managers on supporting working caregivers.

Caring for an elderly, ill, or dependent loved one is one of life’s toughest and most demanding jobs. If you’re a caregiver, you know how rewarding and meaningful the experience can be. But the demands can take a toll on your health and well-being, affect your productivity at work, and even cause financial strain.

Whether you’re a part of the sandwich generation or a millennial caring for a dependent adult, this month’s feature, caregiving (live on the “Employee Assistance” homepage November 1–30), has resources to support caregivers of all ages. You can also log into the platform at any time to access related resources.

If you are a caregiver and you could use guidance and support, remember that you can contact LifeWorks to speak with a caring advisor any time, day or night. We’re here for you, 24/7.

  • Username/Password: HR Portal Employee Assistance Program page
  • Online: login.lifeworks.com
  • Toll-free, 24/7 phone line: 888.456.1324
  • En español: 888.732.9020
  • TTY: 800.999.3004
  • Download the “LifeWorks” app, available in iTunes and Google Play

For more information on LifeWorks, please visit the HR Portal Employee Assistance Program page.
