SPEAK: Conversation Group starts on September 5th

Help us kick off another semester of cross-cultural friendships, interesting conversations, fun, and pizza! Join our first Fall SPEAK: Conversation Group meeting on Thursday, September 5th at 12:50-1:40 p.m. in Galvin Tower 6th floor lunch area.

SPEAK is a free weekly conversation group hosted by English Language Services. The goal is to create an opportunity to chat for international and domestic students, staff, and faculty. It is an excellent way to meet new people, learn something about different cultures, and practice communication skills. No fees, no homework, no grading, no stress – just sharing our opinions, ideas, and cultures.

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend!

To enjoy free pizza, please register weekly (by 1 p.m. each Wednesday).

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdl-M4PKL1A6YiFX32WQoc9MbfO1NtZStEwZbkrlaqKqxTRA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Did not register in time? Feel free to still join us, but bring your lunch just in case!

Questions? Visit english.iit.edu/speak, or email els@iit.edu.

We hope to see you there!