If you are attending Homecoming this weekend, why not stop by Galvin Library and check us out – you’ll find more than just books and computers.
- Benn Joseph, head of university archives and special collections, has put together an exhibit on David Boder, inducted this week into the Illinois Tech Hall of Fame. The exhibit focuses on the wire recorder as the connection between Marvin Camras’ work on magnetic recording technology in the 1930-40s and Boder’s interviews with Holocaust victims in 1946. Several prototypes and models of the wire recorder as well as artifacts related to Boder will be displayed. The exhibit illustrates the potential for “unintentional collaboration” between academic and technical experts that is possible at an institution like Illinois Tech. The exhibit is in the Kemper Gallery, on the upper level.
- Motorola Cell Phone collection from Vice Provost for Research Dennis Roberson features early models, never-before seen prototypes, and familiar models. You can find the collection on the upper level, top of the main stairwell.
- At the top of the main stairwell on the upper level is a display featuring the 2015 IIT Alumni Award winners.
- Also at the top of the main stairwell you’ll find a cart of yearbooks so you can look up familiar faces or enjoy looking through the university’s history.
In Galvin Library, you’ll also discover comfortable, expanded seating areas on the upper and lower levels, two 3-D printers on the lower level, wireless access and knowledgeable and helpful staff. Stop by this weekend, and check us out.