Starting March 15, 2020, any device running Windows 7 will be blocked from using Illinois Tech networks.
As you may be aware, Microsoft discontinued support for the Windows 7 operating system on January 14.
From here on, Microsoft will no longer release security and other critical support patches for this operating system. Now that support has ended, it is expected that unpatched security vulnerabilities will be actively exploited and this operating system should not be considered ‘safe to use’ while connected to the Internet.
Continuing to use Windows 7 could lead to loss of data, identity theft, and/or theft of financial information. It is also becoming common for security vulnerabilities to lead to loss of personal passwords to financial institutions and subsequent financial loss. The Office of Technology Services strongly recommends that you take the steps necessary to upgrade or replace any personal computers running Windows 7 immediately. Please note that in order to provide a safe computing environment for the community, Illinois Tech actively monitors the campus network and will restrict network access for computers detected to be infected with a virus or other malware. If you are still running Windows 7 after Microsoft discontinues support, you may well become a target for those looking to exploit software vulnerabilities. To protect the university and the members of our community, Illinois Tech will block network access for any devices running Windows 7 or older operating systems starting March 15, 2020.
Students may purchase software upgrades from the Illinois Tech Bookstore, or online educational discount sources, such as,
Faculty/Staff may contact the OTS Support Desk for advice on what the best options for upgrade (Windows 10 is available for purchase for Illinois Tech owned equipment) or computer purchase.
For computers that cannot be upgraded to a newer operating system, please be advised that Illinois Tech students may be eligible for discount offers on new computers from Dell and Apple by visiting:
Faculty and Staff may purchase pre-approved models of Dell and Apple computers at discounted pricing through BuyIt.
Please take the steps necessary to protect yourself and the rest of the university community by moving away from Windows 7 if you haven’t already.