With the ongoing events taking place all over the world this week, please know that LifeWorks is available to provide support and assistance. A crisis or traumatic event can trigger overwhelming emotional responses, often undermining healthy communities and social relationships at home and at work.
LifeWorks’ caring, professional consultants can provide guidance, resources, and support. Remember that the immediate and confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services are accessible 24/7/365. LifeWorks also has several toolkits that may be helpful to you and your family such as the Traumatic Event Support Toolkit, and the Coping With Crisis Toolkit.
Toolkits are easily accessible upon logging in to the LifeWorks site or calling their toll free number using the following information:
- Username/Password: HR Portal Employee Assistance Program page
- Online: login.lifeworks.com
- Toll-free, 24/7 phone line: 888.456.1324
- En español: 888.732.9020
- TTY: 800.999.3004
- Download the “Lifeworks” app, available on iTunes and Google Play
For more information about Lifeworks, please visit the HR Portal Employee Assistance Program page.