On Tuesday, November 24 at 8 p.m. in Perlstein Hall, Room 131, the Kosovo Students’ Group and the International Student Organization (ISO) will screen the Albanian Film The Second November honoring the National Flag Day (Saturday, November 28).
Produced for the 70th anniversary of Albanian independence in 1982, Nëntori i dytë (The Second November) is a sweeping historical drama centering on the country’s early 20th century fight for freedom from the Ottoman Turkish empire. Made during one of the darkest periods of Albania’s Marxist regime, director Viktor Gjika’s film features the revered actor Alexsander ‘Sander’ Prosi as the grey-bearded patriot Ismail Qemali. The story follows the quietly courageous Qemali as he crisscrosses his chaotic homeland, dodging the advancing Turks while racing to raise the flag of freedom in the port city of Vlora.
Colorlab Film Corp’s restored and remastered version of Nëntori i dytë triumphantly screened in last year’s 13th Festival of Albanian Film, thirty years after the film’s initial premiere and on the 100th anniversary of Albania’s independence.
The film has English subtitles and refreshments will be provided for participants.
This event reflects the values expressed in IIT’s Diversity Statement and is intended to promote diversity at Illinois Tech.