Alcohol Use and Health Survey

Participate in a research study examining patterns of alcohol use and health-related variables.

Calling ALL IIT undergraduate students!  Would you like to add to the body of knowledge related to alcohol use and health behaviors of college students?  Then please participate in this survey!

Bonus: If you are enrolled in an undergraduate psychology class that offers research and/or extra credit:  This is an opportunity for you to improve your grade in this class, because you will receive extra and/or research credit from your instructor for complete participation.

• Participation in this project requires that you complete an online survey that will take approximately 30 minutes.
• You will be assigned a computer-generated codename, and your responses will be kept completely confidential.

Please enter the study’s website and take the online survey here.

Thank you! If you have any questions please contact Bethany at or 231-878-4789.