2015 IIT Alumni Awards Winners Announced

2015_alumni_awardsThe 2015 IIT Alumni Awards winners have been chosen. This year, the university is honoring 13 alumni and two civic leaders at the annual ceremony on Friday, April 24, 2015. IIT faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the luncheon and presentation of awards in Hermann Hall to celebrate the accomplishments of these distinguished leaders. Tickets are $50 each, and RSVP is required by Monday, April 20, 2015. Click here to register and learn more.

2015 Alumni Awards Winners

Alumni Medal
Ellen Jordan Reidy (PSYC ’79, M.B.A. ’81)

Alumni Service Award
David L. Crowell (ARCH ’79)

Collens Merit Award
Madhavan K. Nayar (M.S. IE ’68)

Galvin Award
Thomas E. Lanctot
David J. Vitale

International Award of Merit
Jong Soung Kimm (ARCH ’61, M.S. ’64)

John J. Schommer Honor I Award
Thomas A. Roszak (ARCH ’89)

Lifetime Achievement Award
Lois Graham (M.S. ME ’49, Ph.D. ’59)
Jacob R. Matijevic (MATH ’69)

Outstanding Young Alumnus/Alumna Award
Jason K. Resch (CS ’06)
Michael J. Sekerak (ME ’99)

Professional Achievement Award
Abdur R. Chowdhury (Ph.D. CS ’01)
Andrew M. Hascall (ME ’92)
Cheryl L. Hyman (CS ’96)
Bhakta B. Rath (Ph.D. MET ’63)