IIT Alternative Spring Break 2013 – Mandatory Info Sessions

The Alternative Spring Break (ASB) team is very excited to start recruitment for ASB 2013! The first step toward joining the team is to attend any one of the following mandatory info sessions, where executive and previous trip members will be present to provide more information about financial, time, and fundraising commitments, along with preliminary details about team logistics. The link to the online application will also be given to you once you sign in at any of the info sessions.

Info Sessions

  • Tuesday, August 28 at 12:45 pm (MTCC Executive Conference Room)
  • Wednesday, August 29 at 8 pm (MTCC Executive Conference Room)
  • Thursday, August 30 at 12:45 pm (MTCC Executive Conference Room)
  • Wednesday, September 5 at 12:45 pm (Pritzker Club, Room 605)

Please feel free to bring your own lunch to the midday info sessions. Look for an executive wearing an ASB shirt or ask the front desk person outside the Pritzker Club if you cannot find the room.

Please address any and all questions about the info sessions to asb.iit@gmail.com, especially if you cannot make it to any of the scheduled times but are still interested. We hope to see you there!