As we announced a few weeks ago in Illinois Tech Today, we will be transitioning from Banner Version 8 to Banner Version 9 Self Service. This upgrade will deliver a fresh user experience with a modern look and feel, increased efficiencies, new tools and improved capabilities. This upgrade will impact everyone at the University. Because of the change, your IIT Portal will also appear different. Some channels will go away entirely while others will just be refreshed with links that direct to Banner 9 instead of Banner 8. OTS and the Banner Power Users engaged in this upgrade are working hard to make this transition as seamless as possible. Training materials will be made available and the Help Desk will be prepared to assist with any questions.
We plan to release the new modules every few weeks throughout February and March. Our anticipated release schedule is subject to change but tentatively planned as follows:
Release Schedule
Banner General – February 22
Banner Extensibility – February 22
Banner Employee – February 22
Banner Student – March 7
Banner Faculty – March 7
Banner Registration – March 21
And, of course, the much awaited by our students, Banner Preferred Name – March 21
What’s new in Banner General?
Mobile-ready functionality and improved usability to streamline the entry of personal information and the viewing of direct deposit information for employees and, now, students too.
What’s new in Banner Employee?
A newly consolidated, easy-to-use dashboard that makes key personnel information readily and easily available, including a new Employee Profile that is an intuitive entry point for employees to access their personal, employment and job-related information.
What’s new in Banner Student?
Advising Student Profile now consolidates student’s profile, education and career path on a single page. It is newly accessible to advisors and students, allowing for truly personalized advice that helps students make better academic decisions.
What’s new in Banner Registration?
Registration has been updated with intuitive registration tools and a mobile-friendly design that will show the registration impact on the student’s calendar, making it easier than ever for students, advisors and administrators to use.
What is Banner Preferred Name?
Students may opt to use a preferred first name that is different from their legal first name. This name will appear instead of the legal name in some of our university systems. Some records that require the use of a legal name will not change to a preferred name.
As the upgrade progresses, OTS looks forward to sharing more information with you about Banner Self Service Version 9. Please keep an eye out in Illinois Tech Today for updates, details about each module and training materials. Thank you.