Banner v.9 went live on October 26 during the regular weekly maintenance window.
Banner v.9 has a web-based access, so there is no need to go through Java. You can use any web browser or OS with Banner v.9. It has a mobile-friendly, responsive design that adjusts itself to the screen size of any workstation, tablet, or smartphone you happen to be using. Banner v.9 also has an updated look and feel and easier navigation, which enables easier, more intuitive searches. Further, it is user-friendly with auto-form name, i.e., name of the form, completion.
Banner v.9 “Admin Pages” replace Banner v.8 INB. The Admin Pages function much like they do in Banner v.8, however, heavy users of Banner will need to learn new keyboard shortcuts and should expect that there will be a learning curve due to the new user-interface. Training on different aspects for using Banner v. 9 can be found here.
For a brief period Banner v.8 INB will coexist with Banner v.9, pursuant to a request from the Banner functional users. Banner v.8 will still be available until the university’s weekly Maintenance Window on Friday, November 9 at 9:15 p.m. To get instructions on how to access Banner v.8, click here.