Be a Book-Giver for World Book Night

IIT’s Paul V. Galvin Library is proud to announce its participation in World Book Night U.S. (WBN) on Tuesday, April 23. World Book Night is an annual event that celebrates the love of reading by creating opportunities for person-to-person contact through books. Galvin Library will serve as an institutional site where volunteer book-givers can pick up their books to distribute in the community. The library also pledges to be an active advocate for both WBN and to spread the love of reading, which couldn’t be any easier for library staff.

But the library needs you—IIT students, faculty and staff—to volunteer as book-givers by sharing your love of reading and books with individuals who don’t read or don’t use libraries. You can start by filling out an application to be a book-giver; the deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 23. Book-givers can choose from more than 30 titles, which include all genres—mysteries, romance, science fiction, fantasy, classics, poetry, humor and young adult books. Volunteer book-givers can seek out adult readers in public settings or in places ranging from nursing homes to food pantries, low-income high schools to mass transit stations, wherever light readers or non-readers can be found. Book-givers can select a favorite title to distribute from a list that includes classic titles from Ray Bradbury, Willa Cather and Mark Twain to more recent authors like David Sedaris, Tina Fey and John Green.

Have some ideas about where you would like to distribute your book; the location is crucial to the success of WBN. If you’re unsure of locations but want to participate, contact Lynne Meyer in IIT’s Office of Spiritual Life and Service Learning at or 312.567.3160. She has great suggestions for places to pass out books to those who need to read. Some FAQS on WBN are below You can read more at the library’s blog or contact the library with your questions. Galvin Library welcomes the participation of IIT students, faculty and staff in World Book Night. Please apply today!