The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions invites faculty, staff and interested graduate students, to become a moderator in the Upper Midwest Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm in the Stuart Building Main Auditorium on Main Campus.
The Ethics Bowl combines the fun of a competitive tournament with a valuable educational experience for undergraduate students. In the ethics bowl, a moderator poses questions to teams of three to five students. Questions may concern ethical problems on wide ranging topics, such as the classroom (e.g. cheating or plagiarism), personal relationships (e.g. dating or friendship), professional ethics (e.g. engineering, law, medicine), or social and political ethics (e.g. free speech, gun control, etc.) Each team receives a set of ethical issues in advance of the competition, and questions posed to teams at the competition are taken from that set. A panel of judges evaluates answers; rating criteria are intelligibility, focus on ethically relevant considerations, avoidance of ethical irrelevance, and deliberative thoughtfulness.
IIT will be sponsoring two teams this year that will be competing against 18 different teams from universities around the Midwest.
There will be a judges’ and moderators’ training breakfast at 8:30 am. There will be four different rounds of ethics bowl, two before lunch, and two after lunch. Both lunch and breakfast will be provided, as well as parking passes on campus. A moderator’s role is to help keep the rounds running on time, read out the questions, and collect the scores of the judges at the end of the match. It a great way to be part of the competition without the stress of having to judge or compete. Deadline for moderator submission is November 8, 2013.
If you have questions or are interested in being a part of the competition, email Kelly Laas.