CAFCU Financial Wellness Webinar

On Thursday July 21 from 11:30 a.m.–12 p.m, Corporate America Credit Union, one of our Financial Wellness partners, will be hosting a webinar titled Finding Financial Independence.

CAFCU writes, “The majority of Americans are on a continuous paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. This has led to relying on credit or the generosity of others to maintain financial stability. This doesn’t have to be the case, and we want to give you the tools to consider what financial independence might look like for yourself. Join our session to learn how to create financial independence in your own life.”

Even if you’re unable to attend as long as you register here (CAFCU Finding Financial Independence Webinar), you will be sent a recording of the session once it ends.

Illinois Tech community members who would like more information on CAFCU membership can reach out to Viktoria Rill at, or by calling x73353.