Call for Nominations: 2024 Staff Excellence Awards

The success of our students, faculty, and university would not be possible without the hard work, outstanding support, and services that are provided by Illinois Tech staff members.

Each year the university community has the opportunity to recognize outstanding staff members who have exemplified Illinois Tech’s spirit of excellence with accomplishments in the following areas, and we encourage you to nominate staff members for this prestigious award for 2024:
  • Addressing issues related to diversity, identity, inclusion, or other social justice topics
  • Implementing innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of university operations
  • Developing an innovative solution that improves the experience of Illinois Tech students (prospective or current) or alumni
  • Developing an innovative contribution to support excellence in teaching and research
  • Other outstanding contributions

Nominations can originate from anyone in the university community including staff, faculty, students, or vendors. However, only staff members are eligible to win an award. Judging criteria will be based on service to students, faculty, or staff; innovation and excellence of the initiative; and the degree to which the initiative improves some function, aspect, or experiences of and within the university.

A team of awards committee members will review the nominations and select award winners.

Nominations must be submitted through the online nomination form by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Thank you for taking the time to recognize our staff colleagues for their excellence. The awards will be presented at the Staff Service and Excellence Awards Ceremony to be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2025, in Hermann Hall.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 312.567.3318 or